Isaiah 50:4-5, 1 Corinthians 2:1-5 (AMP)

Internationally known speaker, workshop leader, conference hostess, author, and mentor,
born in Almirante, Bocas Del Toro, Republic of Panamá  .

Mother of two grown children and a son-in-law as well as a former military spouse and Family Support Center Program Manager with proven experience in working with military families and military support.
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2017 On September 22, 2017 AᴍᴇʟᴅA was Elected, Ordered and Consecrated, with International Apostille, a Bishop in the Lord’s Church in Panamá, F.A.I.T.H. INTERNATIONAL CHURCH in her country for the work she has done since June, 1971 and beyond. Today she is known internationally as Bishop Mother AᴍᴇʟᴅA Thomas-Jones.

2020 In October 2019 the Lord disrupted her life from praying for a Winter to hibernate at home, to initiating the Macedonian Call #1, to Jamaica; to teach and encourage the saints, and to Panamá; ordaining and training pastors and opening new churches … it was a major disruption.

With the Protection of God the entire time in Jamaica and Panamá, God extended a two week stay to almost three months. Being focused with the task at hand, she was oblivious of what was going on in the world. The pandemic started and borders around the world were closing. The major chaos at Tocumen Airport, Panamá, March 18, 2020 is when she first heard of the Pandemic – almost three months after it began. She made it home 6 hours prior to the borders closing.

Today, with Clarion Calls 2 Intercession ~ as IT IS WRITTEN, alongside HE WHO FOREVER LIVES TO MAKE INTERCESSION ~ she forges forward; teaching and equipping intercessors around the world on Zoom and YouTube. She has experienced God-sized miracles through His Holy Spirit.

At present, AᴍᴇʟᴅA is in full time ministry with Father Answers Intercessors Travailing in Holiness (F.A.I.T.H.) International Ministries. She is a Holy Ghost filled, uncompromising speaker and teacher.

Having written two earlier – now out of print – teaching manuals, “F.A.I.T.H. Clarion Calls to Stand in the Gap” and “The Clarion Call to Intercessory Prayer”, AᴍᴇʟᴅA now has two currently available on Amazon: “Praying Your Church Into Her Glorious Destiny”, and “The Ancient Keys of Intercession” that she has written as she pursues with a passion God’s call on her life. The training that she received at the Billy Graham School of Evangelism has kept her focused on the Gospel and not mixes the fabric of Truth of His Word. She is led of the Lord to raise-up and mentor the next generation of Intercessors and Leaders!

2021 Clarion Calls to Prayer on Zoom: Beginning on December 12, 2020 with “F.A.I.T.H. Clarion Call for Panamá and the World”, and on January 29, 2022 with “WorldWide Clarion Call 2 Intercessory Prayer”, she continues to use this 21st Century tool to continue to unite saints and prayer warriors around the globe, and cover the earth with prayer.

F.A.I.T.H. also partners with and covers with intercessory prayer “Uncle Clyde and FLOCK Jamaica”, a Children’s Ministry in Kingston, Jamaica, and aided to establish their YouTube Channel reaching the next generation ages 5-12 for Christ.

2022 After the success of Macedonian Call #1 in 2020, the Lord assigned AᴍᴇʟᴅA to Macedonian Call #2, in February 12, 2022: “Repentance at the Border of Panamá and Costa Rica”. Now, Holy Spirit is preparing for Macedonian Calls #3 & #4 in 2022.

What’s been said of AᴍᴇʟᴅA: “God has given her a talent of speaking to groups of people – small to huge, and if you have spent much time in seminar chairs, you will appreciate her ability and be blessed by the programs the Holy Spirit allows her to present. Actually, AᴍᴇʟᴅA is one of the most effective conference speakers I have heard. When she provides a program, it is not only well done, it is Spirit-led.” —Elaine Hunolt, USAF Major, Vice-President Protestant Women of the Chapel (1991-1992) Hickam AFB, Hawaii.

Much more could be said but you have the gist … She is passionate in winning souls, discipleship and mentoring the next generation of leaders! AᴍᴇʟᴅA is a part of the Clergy in her church: New Life in Christ Interdenominational Church ( where her Pastor is Bishop Geoffrey V. Dudley, Sr., PhD, D.Min., Senior Pastor. She was ordained as an Elder on June 30, 2011 and serves on the Elders Council. She loves her church family where their rally cry is We are life changers, changing Lives in our lifetime with the help of Christ. Changing Lives Ministries is the covering for F.A.I.T.H. F.A.I.T.H. Int’l Ministries is Governed by a Board of Advisors; Board Trustees, and a local Executive Board.

When not traveling AᴍᴇʟᴅA can be found in leadership at her church enjoying Bishop’s preaching and teaching. AᴍᴇʟᴅA believes that being in ministry also dictates that you need to be fed and under the covering of Jesus inspired of God’s uncompromised Word, winning souls, discipleship, caring for others… growing in the word of the Lord … as God’s hands extended to others. (Matthew 25:35-40)

She loves her children: Daughter Marjorie Hall, Son Ellis E. Jones, & Son-In-Law, Leon Hall.

“Strength and honor are AᴍᴇʟᴅA’s clothing, She … rejoices in time to come.
She opens her mouth with wisdom and in her tongue is the law of kindness”. Proverbs 31:25

“Intentionally Following Jesus has taught her, COVID-19 may have reshaped us, but it will NOT define us!!!
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